Monday, September 16, 2013

Discretionary Effort - Work Pocket Change

What's that?  (discretionary effort) and what do you mean by work pocket change? Well lets think of your last 10 or 15 minutes in the have closed shop on this particular day, but your willing to do something for another few minutes...(that's the pocket change)...not enough time  to do anything major but 1 or 2 things - quick hits why not...or maybe why (that's the discretionary part)...Are you engaged in your job? Are you even going to do work, or is it going to be surfin the net, texting the spouse or kids, or maybe listening to online radio.
Decisions - Decisions...
What do you do with your work pocket change when it occurs???
Do you even use it to do work?
There is a lot of research out there on work place engagement, however this topic seems to slip thru the cracks...

There is a simple answer. People use their pocket change from work on things they value most or feel would be most beneficial. The workaholic (yes we still have a few of those) will dive back into work and more then likely go beyond the 15 minutes. In fact they will probably extend considerably longer, well they are workaholics. For the rest of us its a choice made in part by how engaged or how much we care about the business, and whether we are engaged at all.
Studies show most of us are not engaged so the choices will come down to two choices. Do we have someone we like that needs something quick or not? Folks do things for people they like and put those we dislike on the bottom of the discretionary effort list...put simply we don't buy things we don't like with our extra cash...
So next time a boss says to you "they don't need to like me just respect me", reach into your pocket - check your change, and spend it elsewhere...

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