Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bad Bosses Part 1....

This is a multi - part post as it will take way more then 250-300 words to talk about bad bosses. to get started I will avoid my own bad bosses (that's more appropriate for my first novel)...and to play safe I will avoid actual names or companies, although for some who read my blog and have worked with me it will be a "no brainer"...

Bad boss # 1 wasn't always a bad boss, they turned at some point to the dark side. A Darth Vaderish move as I still believe this individual had great potential and was extremely capable. Bad behavior included having staff and individuals related to them do their grad school homework, research and papers (on the clock)...and the kicker was they got their grad degree without doing half the work.

Bad boss # 2 told HR for years that they gave employees feedback when they weren't performing and every time reviews came around, you guest it, shockerooo....hearing that they were not doing their job properly.

Bad boss # 3 worked for bad boss # 2 and would at least once or twice a year come to HR and ask that we fire a new executive (almost always at the manager and above level). It was amazing that we hired these talented individuals who in two to three months turned to shit. It was even more amazing that their performance issues almost always surfaced 2 weeks before the recruiter bill was due.

Bad boss # 4, always delegated work on high profile projects and always took 100% credit for all the work. the best was when they went to big meetings and tried to answer detailed questions related to their presentations and just plain couldn't...we all knew they didn't do the work and never let on...pretty funny.

Bad boss #5 was one of my favorite bad bosses, not because I liked them, although in some sick way I felt sorry for them. This bad boss sat for 8 hours a day with the door closed and always made his assistant answer the phone for them. Their answer to literally every management request on any topic regardless of size or scope was "no". Every year during the holidays they would venture out of their office to wish management and staff a happy holiday. this bad boss was a brilliant business person and could have made an impact 10 or 20x the amount they actually did. When bonus time came around this person was giving $ amounts as if it was 25 or 30 yrs. earlier...and those were in years where the business made a sizable profit...One employee said they couldn't buy groceries for the week with the bonus they received....

There are plenty more bad bosses for future posts...

Have a great week!

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