Tuesday, December 17, 2013

There Not Your Friends, There Your Co-Workers

Bet you have heard that one before. Having recently left my last Corporate gig, it's abundantly clear that most folks you work with are like sports team colleagues. You have each others back as long as your wearing the same uniform, but there not your friends...
Ok, a few of them are. You only know that after you have left and you continue to stay in touch. And more then the cathartic conversation about how much you or the other person disliked some aspect or individuals at the place. Misery does like company, I can attest to that...I do stay in touch with a couple of folks from my last gig, and not jut the ones some might expect...there are also a couple I will reach back out to as I genuinely like them and think they are the kinds of folk that I can have a friendship with....sometimes its simply about the right time to do so. They know who they are and hopefully feel the same way...
For the other 99% who pose as your friend and colleague until your gone...well maybe I will just bite my lip and move on...
My mom used to say: "If you have nothing good to say, keep your mouth shut". Another line you have heard repeated many times...so true.

As I embark on a journey of starting a business, and figuring out my next moves, there are many uncertainties...one thing is coming in to focus - who my friends are and I am grateful to them for being supportive...

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