Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We are Getting Busy!

I know an odd post, however business for Human Capital 3.0 is definitely ramping up! We are doing coaching and team training on work place investigations and a variety of HR essentials...supply and demand is shifting...yes we are in demand!
On a personal note I am teaching the SPHR/PHR prep course for SHRM/NYIT on Long Island this spring (yes there is still time to sign up ), teaching grad school and doing special project work for Adelphi Business School administration...OH and I am speaking February 11th at HRNY in nyc:
I am doing an encore presentation on building enrichment programs on a shoe string, which I originally presented at both SHRM and World at Work national conferences in San Diego and Orlando.
Talking about National conferences, SHRM invited me back to do my global HR discussion at National this June as well. I also have a few more speaking engagements planned for later this year. I am back to writing, my latest is in this months issue of the Corridor LI at: http://www.thecorridorli.com 
I am dishing on gamification and phone apps for HR. Check it out when you have a few minutes..

2014 is starting to look like a promising year for us, and we hope for all of you as well!

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